Tag Archives: trees

Birds of a Feather…….


I was never one to care much about nature as a young adult or even up to about 10 years ago.  I never really stopped to watch any outdoor life.  That is…. until I started to do art.   I think I just became more aware of colors, shapes, textures and yes, nature (but, please NO SNAKES).

One year, I was sitting with an old friend in her back yard as Robins flew down to pick in the grass.  She said to me “watch how they turn their heads to listen to the worms moving under the ground”.  I said “whatchyoutalkinbout”;  I thought she was pulling my leg, but damn if she wasn’t right.  I did watch and I was amazed.  Since then, I’ve always watched out feathered friends live their little lives –   flying, flitting, hopping and bopping around the yard.  Since that time, with my friend, Annie,  I put a hummingbird  and wild bird feeder outside our windows, and man, I’m so glad I did;  they are hours of entertainment.  Since the hummers have left the cold here, I still get to enjoy all the wild birds..  AND.. can they eat.. I can’t keep up with the food.  They love snow storms, rain, wind.. they never disappoint.  I can’t name all the birds, which makes me want to get a bird book to identify each one.

Sooooooooo.. where am I going with this? ……… sit tight…..

I dedicate this blog post to my beautiful friend, Annie… the “Bird Whisperer”.  Love you Annie.


I recently got a new Canon camera for my birthday in September.  I’m still learning the features, but I’ve enjoyed taking pictures of the birds that come to visit me.. Ok, well they are not coming to see me, but they know someone if feeding them.  So what if I pretend I’m Snow White; I’d like to get them to make my coffee.  Ok, imagine this is me… but forget the prince charming and cleaning the stairs and that voice.

Hey, I like feeding people, ask my friends… and now I like feeding birds.  The feeder is directly outside our front door to the right, in the flower garden (which is sadly bare and brown now).  I can watch from the front window where I sit and  read and have my cup of coffee in the mornings before my work day starts and every weekend.

I would love to share with you here, my latest successful shots of my feathered friends.  As I said, new camera, I’m not a photographer with any experience except to point and shoot.

Enjoy…….. there a a lot of pictures…

Here comes the female Cardinal… munching away on some seeds.

Here comes the male… sorry for any blurring picture.. remember.. amateur here

Male Cardinal in the tree.. I find it amazing how the change their shape and puff up.  Sort of like the way we feel after a big meal.  I think a little Pepto might help him.

Oh look who came for a visit….. a Morning Dove…

… and here comes Woody the Woodpecker… we have two of them.. one smaller than the other..   Look how they grab the feeder.. such tiny feet.

.. and they puff up too.  So cool.

I believe this is a Red Bellied Woodpecker…

.. and now come the “jay walkers”… tough crowd, they are… These Bluejays have such a striking blue colors.  The are too big for the feeder.. although the try, but can’t stay on long.. they end up eating what is dropped on the ground.

“hey look, jasper, i think the crazy lady is taking our picture again”.

.. and finally.. I caught this little guy outside my office window..

It took me hours to get these photos.  They don’t stay in one place long enough; by the time I get focus and click they are gone.

My plan is to print some of these pictures and do image transfers in my art.

I’ll let you know how that goes with a show and tell.

Have a great weekend and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.


A New Year.. Promise To Make it Creative!


Hey Blogsters…..

Happy New Year.  How long do we have to say that to everyone we talk to?  I think 2 weeks is time enough, don’t you think?.. and then that’s it.. alright, well, maybe just a few more here and there.

So, I hate the word “resolution”.  It’s sounds so demanding. YOU WILL RESOLVE TO GET THIS DONE.  How about just making promises to yourself?  Do things that you know would make you feel better and make you feel that you really have accomplished something.  Something that you know wouldn’t have happened it you just didn’t nudge yourself a little bit harder (or as they say in Boston.. “hahda”).

Course, my first thought is be more healthy and fit.  Ok, I said that one, so let’s move on to fun promises….  be more creative and do more art.  Ah, that feels like a promise I can keep for myself.  Reorganize and clean your studio/workspace  (ok, so maybe not so fun); donate what you don’t need anymore; give them a new life – you’ll feel the new energy surround you after you’re done.

One of my promises to myself is to learn how to video tape and load those videos on to YouTube or even in my blog.   With the help of my 15 hr. old daughter, of course.  It can happen.. it WILL happen.

Being creative just makes me happy.  When I’m working in my full-time job, I want to be in my studio.  When I’m not working, I don’ t get in the studio like I want to.  Why is that?  I own it, I know, my fault.   Ok.. I have a family to think about, yes.    Another promise – get in the studio; make more time and get in your creative bubble.

I’m keeping Melodie Beattie’s book next to my computer and I’d like to share another excerpt from her “Journey to the Heart” book.

“Let Your Creativity Blossom”

“Allow your creativity to blossom.  For too long you have held back.  For too long you have limited your natural creative learnings and talents….. You are creative.  You have a creative self within that wants to play, wants to be let loose, wants to create.  Set that part free!  Let yourself play – with life, with work, with projects. “

“Creating brings you into harmony with the universe…. yourself and the rhythm of life.”  – Melody Beattie

How perfect is that?  Very calming and freeing, to me, when I read her meditations.

Tell me what you want to promise yourself this year?

I’ll leave you with this beautiful winter early morning scene from the back of my house (not enhanced at all).  Love the teal sky.

Thanks for stopping by!


Next up… mixed media mirror frame.

Autumn.. one more time.. with feeling!


Hey blogsters..  Well, I couldn’t resist taking and posting a few more pictures of the beautiful colors of the leaves this year.  Going on my walk, I just couldn’t pass these by and I wanted to share…

Just look at the red colors in this Japanese Maple Tree…


This orange leaf tree (don’t know the name of it), was far away in someone’s yard, but it just stood out.


This shot was taken while I was painting our bathroom on the second floor looking out the window in back yard. Can you see all the colors of the tops of the trees in the distance??


The final shot I also found on my walk.  I love to see the berries go from red to orange/yellow.


Ok… that’s the tour of our foliage.  Please exit left and come back soon.

Next up:  Handmade journal from online workshop.. lots of mistakes, but we made it.

The Colors of New England


Hey Blogsters:

Thought you’d like to see some pictures I’ve taken during this beautiful foliage season we have here in New England.

I hope you enjoy the peek in and around our garden and neighborhood.






PA230009The Hydrangeas are trying to hang in there; they are hearty.  .. oh and a peek of one little rose.

PA230001Black Eyed Susans leaving there presence behind.  They’ll be back crowded and beautiful next summer.