Making Fabric Dolls with Some Great Dollz

Making Fabric Dolls with Some Great Dollz

Happy Sunday!  If you are a football fan, you’ll be watching the Super Bowl tonight. And.. if you live in New England, you’ll be watching the Patriots play and hopefully win… deflated balls or not.

We just finished having about 3 feet of snow dumped on us last weekend and another foot is falling tonight. We were doing so good, too.  It’s been pretty dry up until now.  Working from home, there is no such thing as sick days or snow days, but it sure makes for a great commute.

Two weeks ago, I was invited to my dear friend, Corrine’s home for some fabric doll making. I’ve never made one before, but always wanted to.  A few more friends (Kay, Barbara and Eileen) joined us at Corrine’s old/new farm house she is renovating with her super duper super hero, David (who drilled some holes in my clay for me). Here are some pictures of our fun day.

Our hostess, Corrine and a little table set up and we are ready to go. (click on any picture to enlarge for details)

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This one is mine.  Can you tell?  Teal colors (I think I have an issue) and clay wings, heart and face. Named her Edie, but I think she looks pissed, don’t you think?  She’s saying “Great, now what?… I have these damn heavy wings on me and how the hell am I going to fly.. they are upside down and they look like arms. I hate you”.  That’s not nice talk, Edie. I gave you life, after all.


Check out some of Corrine’s art dolls here.  What a great day for art. We got to hang out with her beautiful 5 dogs, lots of laughing, eating and chatting it up.  And, as for sewing, Corrine sewed the shape of Edie.. thanks, you’re a doll.  You’ve given me confidence to go for a bigger doll next time.

Thanks for stopping by.. means so much to me when I hear from you and to just know you were here.

Judy ♥ ♥ (Go Pats!)

12 responses »

  1. What a great recap and photos of our wonderful day with Corrine and the others, Judy! I have worked on my doll a few more hours, but she is not yet ready for “prime time!” That Edie has quite an attitude, doesn’t she? But nevertheless, she is gorgeous whether those appendages are wings or arms! Love those ruby red pursed lips! Mwah!

  2. Love your doll. She is so colorful and fun. I also love clay and teal and Corrine

  3. Judes, it looks like you had so much fun with your art and your friends! I laughed out loud when you gave Edie a voice. It fit her perfectly. It looked like Stacy Lundin gave her a makeover she wasn’t quite comfortable with it. And on top of that, I think she needed a cigarette. Poor Edie!!

  4. Well Edie certainly is being a bit bitchy to her creator isn’t she? It was a fun day. Thanks for sharing the joy. And our Pats came through in the clutch. I was a great game though. I even watched the whole thing. xox

  5. OMGosh Judy – how much fun did you gals have?!!! I am so envious of your art doll shared time- wish I lived closer-“(
    I was trying to find something clever to say about Edie’s expression- but, you are right- she does look pissed! teeheehee Love her and her colors- I think it is because you live so close to the ocean that attracts you to the color combo=Turquoise /teal for the ocean and orange for the setting sun! there- mystery solved!

    Great Superbowl game- and the best team won!! Yay!
    a fun post my friend! love & hugs

  6. What great pictures. I feel the warmth, laughter, and creative energy from here. I love Edie – I can tell that she is fierce. She takes a lot of pride in the way she runs her home and definitely does not appreciate people walking on her freshly mopped kitchen floor. She’s a balabusta – in all the best meanings of the word. A little like her creator but not as sweet as you JS.

  7. Oh, Edie is great, even if she might be a bit grumpy – maybe it’s all that snow. She looks like a beach girl to me. What a fun day you had!

  8. It looks like you all had a fun, creative time, Judy! I love your art doll – she’s so colorful and looks like she doesn’t take it from nobody haha. Well done! Now you’ve inspired me to get the fabric out! xo

  9. OK! Way TOO much fun coming from one house…
    Lovely art dolls! Save them for future grand babies…
    (I quit waiting & made art…)!

Let me know what you think about this post.