9 responses »

  1. Hi Judy! I really enjoyed seeing your wonderful, textural, mixed media art. I love what you’ve done with the clay pieces! -Terri

  2. Judy, I just found your blog today. I see lots of creativity that got my attention!

    I saw you mentioned back issues of Cloth Paper Scissors. Are those still for sale?

    Please tell!


  3. Hi Judy! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have been scrolling through your posts and will be back as soon as I have more time. Love what I have seen so far!

  4. Hey Judy,
    I am a elementary and middle school art teacher who is always looking for artists to expose my students to. I like your style — I believe the texture, color intensity and novelty of your work would interest young students. Hope you are still creating!

Let me know what you think about this post.